Online Support

Did you know we have an Online Forum for Parents and Carers in Essex and Southend available?

This online platform allows Parent Carers to discuss, share information, ask questions, and interact with other parents. The FREE online community is a space to get new perspectives and immediate feedback, connect with others, and receive encouragement.

As of March 2024, we have over 1,700 members in Southend & Essex. Join the Community today!

Free Resource for families in Essex, Southend & Thurrock
Supporting Your Neurodivergent Child

The resource was written and produced by Maggie Cleary, CEO of STRM – SEND the Right Message Registered Charity, Paula Farrow, CEO and Sam Read of MyOTAS (My Own Time And Space) Charity and Katrina Farrall from Essex Family Forum.
The feedback was presented to the Joint Commissioning Board in Essex, which commissions services across Education, Health, and Social Care. They fully supported the project, recognising how valuable this information would be.
We understand that finding helpful information can be challenging, and we aim to make the process easier for families. Our pack includes information about the diagnosis process, helping your child at school, health and well-being, and much more. We also shared our experiences, hints, and tips, as well as those of parents, carers, and young people across Essex, Southend, and Thurrock.
Our resource contains signposts to valuable books, blogs, and online resources that our writing team have used and found helpful in their journeys as parents.

This pack provides information about:

  • What is neurodiversity?
  • Diagnosis
  • Education
  • Health and Wellbeing – including Speech and Communication, Sensory Processing Disorder and therapy, tips on exercise and diet, toileting
  • Growing up
  • Financial Help – e.g., how to apply for Disability Living Allowance
  • Information for family and friends
  • Useful reading list
  • Lots of personal experiences, quotes, and tips from families and young people
  • Age-appropriate information
  • Myth Busting

The pack is available to download or request a hard copy. Professionals can also purchase a copy.

If you're looking for a hard copy of the booklet - You can easily grab one from friendly local charities, organisations, and support sessions throughout Essex: