Our Impact

We have delivered over 3,225 hours of support services!

Here's a breakdown of some of our Beneficiaries

15,000 hard copies of the Neurodivergent Guide printed

13,400 Neurodivergent Guide hard copies received by parent carers across Essex, Thurrock, & Southend

560 schools received Neurodiverse Guide across Essex

979 members registered since launching in Jan 2022

1,712 members in the Online Forum

1,352 received newsletters

101 Carers Breaks Referrals

£240,771.05 Disability Benefit

£84,553.95 Disability Benefit
Backdated Awards

100 individuals received disability benefit support

180 young people attended the Bouldering Club

Crisis & Cost of Living Support in 2022

113 received Household Support Fund

 55 received Fuel Vouchers

35 received Food Bank Referral

36 Disabled Keys

20 received support from Toy Drive Initiative

8 Electric Blankets

5 Slow Cookers

4 Child in Need targeted support

4 Uniform Crisis Support


Most of our referrals come directly from families.

Our outreach and community engagement activities continue to build, and we maintain trusted relationships in the community.

We have also simplified our website referral process.

Health/GPs/CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
Social care
Other (police, justice, third sector)
Working partnerships within the sectors


STRM is growing in line with our vision and mission, while maintaining an established presence across our three main key areas for our service users:

Castle Point

*Above statistics taken on February 2023*


"The Charity truly cares about SEND families. The support they have provided for our family has been amazing ..."
"Without the support from STRM, myself and my family would not be where we are today. They gave me the strength to keep going in the right direction."
"I do not think I will ever find the right words to thank you..."
"It is an overwhelming, draining and at times lonely process but I felt welcomed and part of a community, where the team and other parents understood"
"This charity is a huge support to us"
"I also find great help and solace from the Facebook group, where I can connect with other parent carers."
"An invaluable organisation."
"It bought a feeling of immense relief ... We are also struggling to pay for fuel. So having money towards our weekly food shop was a big weight off our shoulders; knowing we could provide nutritious and filling meals for your family."
"Summer holidays are tough especially when you are a neurodiverse family... We needed food shopping so this food voucher came at ta time when we really needed it!"
"I kept putting off applying because the forms were so overwhelming and I was worried about getting something wrong. With Claire's help they were completed in no time at all and it (Disability Living Allowance) was awarded!"
